RE: If it moves, we can track it!

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 12:03:50 MDT

> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, BillK wrote:

>> And I think there is no chance that the public would be given access
>> to the data files so that they could check on the movements of
>> politicians / spouses / business competitors / etc.

### Yes, if you naively insist on privacy, these data will not be released,
but, no matter how hard you protest, "they" (state, corporations, large
organizations, mafia) will have all the data on you. If you do not have
transparency, no amount of laws, no amount of cryptography will protect you
from the systems they will install, openly or in secrecy ("privacy, you
could say).

Do you get it?

Insisting on privacy is like the proverbial ostrich hiding its head in the
sand (a stupid myth) - losing the chance to see and control your enemy that
would come from transparency, while still staying exposed.


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