Re: If it moves, we can track it!

From: Eugen Leitl (
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 05:31:54 MDT

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

> Let's see...there are about 6 gigapeople on the planet, and it
> takes less than 32 bits the store a location on the Earth's
> surface to around meter resolution, and you'd probably want

Hey, you're not tracking a race of teleporters. Movement is always
continuous, incremental, few m/s on foot or a bit faster in cars. Anything
larger/faster (bus, train, ship, plane) will be tracked as a single unit.
And current location services have orders of magnitude less resolution, so
you need less bits to represent.

> updates at around .1-second resolution, so the total possible

Much too quick. Even 1 Hz refresh rate I mentioned is overkill. 0.1 Hz
would be more than adequate, and I would adaptively go slower for slower

> raw incoming data stream would be on the order of 200 Gb/sec.

Actually, if you just want to track all objects without any analysis or
recording, and use clever coding, a single box with several GBytes RAM and
GBit Ethernet would do the trick. Cute, but useless, so you still need a
cluster for real work.

> Conveniently, most of those 6 gigapeople are stationary for
> long periods of time, and they tend to cluster themselves
> neatly into a few thousand clumps, so data compression would
> probably get you down into the 100 Mb/sec range, which seems
> well within the bounds of even present technology.

Absolutely. A small cluster of consumer grade boxes would do. If it wasn't
for the cost of distributed smart sensors, it would have been done

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