Re: Personal Attacks (was Re: ECONOMICS: Reality bites)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 13:20:51 MDT

> (Cory Przybyla <>):
> Is there any value to these 2 personal attacks,
> regardless of whether anyone feels they are true or
> not? I'm not posting this solely as an attempt to
> start an argument, for there could be a valid use
> (perhaps as a warning to others who might be duped by
> someone?) to it that I don't see. But if not, then
> perhaps such methods degrade the otherwise valid
> opinions the poster wants to express.

My intention was to assure Brian that he's not the only
person who may have chosen to ignore Olga, and that he's
probably quite rational to do so. If it is considered
a "personal attack" to point out that discussion with
certain people is unlikely to be fruitful because of the
evasive style of rhetoric they choose, then such faux
politeness will interfere with useful discussion here.

I don't object in the slightest to Olga or anyone else
posting a note that some members of the LP are kooks.
Everyone knows that, and we know that we are perceived
that way. The problem is that she posted the note /as if
it were a response/ to a discussion of libertarianism,
when it's quite clear that it was totally irrelevant.
It's not the rudeness of the remark that I objected to,
but the deliberate evasiveness--going out of her way to
avoid the issue she was supposedly discussing to bring
up something to make the other side look bad. She does
this constantly, which is why I no longer read her.
You are mistaken to claim that she was "expressing an
opinion"--she was not.

There are certainly other people here of a more liberal
bent; I still listen to Samantha, for example, because
even though I think she has lots of silly ideas, she
does at least have ideas, and apparently cares about
finding the truth about things. I can't say that about
Olga, so I simply ignore her, and recommend others do
as well.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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