Re: Who's the greater threat?

Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 15:45:10 MDT

In a message dated 10/1/2002 3:45:24 PM Central Standard Time, writes: For example, Rumsfeld for his experience in the
defence industry.

       Am I mixed up and confused about Rumsfeld or what? I live in an area
that is only a few miles from his home (raised and still here) in addition he
ran a company that isn't a mile from my house. Heck, I have ran into him,
been introduced and talked to him briefly -- the occasions were strictly
       I thought he was running one of the smaller drug companies. He moved
on from there but where to? I do know that he was pulled in from time to
time to work on various problems. As an example I believe he was called in
in the early 90s to advise when the Soviet melted down -- but I can't
remember which administration was using him. Perhaps both did so.
       I don't really run in those circles but I gather the government is
forever pulling in individuals to make up mini blue ribbon groups to advice
the government on this or that. I had really thought his relationship to the
government was an on going occasional thing.
       Can someone help me here??
Ron h.

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