Re: War with Iraq?

From: Damien Sullivan (
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 11:01:15 MDT

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 09:11:23PM -0400, wrote:
> In a message dated 9/18/2002 8:09:31 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes: a President who regularly lies about his
> budget numbers and Social Security plans
> Tell me about that Damien, if you please. I haven't heard that one before.

Paul Krugman goes on about it almost ad nauseam. The whole privatization of
Social Security thing. Right now money paid in taxes goes out as benefits to
retirees. Bush suggests letting people put that money into their own
retirement accounts. But then who pays the current benefits? Because this
plan isn't supposed to reduce current benefits or raise current taxes. Hmm.

And then there's the whole tax cut and budget thing. I can't replicate the
numbers here, and Bush is hardly unique in being dishonest about finances, but
Lorrey was the one implying the Europeans were dastardly for not in fact
giving _unlimited_ support.

Hey, if we're going to criticize people for going back on their word, how
about Papa Bush and no new taxes? Right.

-xx- Damien X-)

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