hey, don't be sad...

From: Amara Graps (amara@amara.com)
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 00:21:24 MDT

>I am going offlist for a while. This place makes me too sad.

Hey Samantha,

Don't be sad. There are many many places on this planet where folks
are loudly complaining; and angry and indignant about the actions of
the U.S. government. You're not alone in your perspectives. Your
efforts here are not wasted and they have been appreciated.

Speaking as one of someone who probably would've have been an activist
in the 1960s if I was old enough (all I ever did was give Gorbachev a
dirty look when his limo drove by us thousand poster/flag-carrying
Balts standing along Palm Drive in 1990), you might think of channeling
your attention more outside of a mailing list. And, perhaps, before you
bobble-up, vote with your feet and move outside of the U.S.


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