Re: Extropianism : Why *Anarcho*-Capitalism?

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 14:27:44 MDT

> (Hungry Troll <>):
> I suspect the committment to "anarcho-capitalism" has more to do with
> ideology than pragmatism (then again, most of Extropianism seems that way to
> me). Anyway, I don't really understand it: if anarcho-capitalism is such a
> good idea, then why doesn't someone go out and start one of these "private
> protection agencies"? The fact that this would be impossible just goes to
> show how workable the idea really is.

I suspect that the actual existence, today and in the past, of many
private security firms, despite the fact that they are hired by people
who are still required to pay for the public ones, casts some doubt on
your contention that they can't exist. It would not be too far off
the mark to say that the settlement of the American west was as much
due to the Pinkertons and Wells Fargos as it was to federal marshalls
and local sheriffs.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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