Re: War with Iraq?

Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 13:48:53 MDT

In a message dated 9/16/2002 1:40:42 PM Central Standard Time, writes: I am sorry if I misattributed some remark that
set me off. What I was attempting to point out is that when we blithely talk
about US intent or the state of the world it would be really good not to
ignore certain realities of the situation that aren't so obvious locally.

       In which case, Samantha, I shall not hold it against you, at least
until the day I have permanently quit making that error myself? <G>
       However if we are to notice that a great deal of the world is poor
needing food, shelter, and other necessities lets us also read Hernando de
Soto's The Mystery of Capitalism and determine how much the misery of those
3rd world countries is also the responsibility of those same 3rd world
       I get a little scared when I read how 3rd world rulers syphon off
billions of dollars of foreign aid we send and of how they conspire with 1st
world investors to work their own people for back breaking hours at hard
labor for almost no pay and then keep the pay on the books instead of paying
those workers their full earnings. On top of that Dr. DeSoto says they rig
the laws so that it is almost impossible for the working class to get clear
title to the houses they own and live in.
       Yet, is all of that entirely the responsibility of the US?
Ron h.

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