Re:As war with Iraq seems to be more on the agenda...

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 19:21:51 MDT

Earlier in this thread, I stated that it was my opinion that Scott Ritter was
a turncoat who had sold out to the Iraqis, based on his erratic behavior and
statements in 1998 before and after the period in which the UNSCOM inspectors
were last tossed out of Iraq (coincidentally, in a Wag the Dog kind of way, at
the same time that the Lewinski scandal was exploding like a spent SCUD). I
was derided by several list members as making statements without evidence.

I now have proof. On both CNN and Fox News last night, it was revealed that
not only is Ritter currently in Bagdad claiming to all and sundry that he and
the US knows that Iraq has no WMD, but it has been documented that he has
received $400,000 from a Detroit based Islamic anti-American group that is
funded directly by Saddam Hussein.

Given this news, I fully expect Samantha, Harvey, et al to admit I was right
and apologize.

This message was posted by Mike Lorrey to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI BBS.

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