Reparations: i dont see how the halycon say that

From: spike66 (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 14:15:39 MDT wrote:

>...Any settlement of claims based on long ago
>injustices that leaves our full blood indian relatives out of the loop isn't
>going to fly in halycon skies. Ron h.
Ron what is a halycon sky?

The native American debate would come down to who, if anyone,
owned the land to start with. If one has not the means to defend
property in this old world, it can be argued that one does not, in
fact, own that property. You need capital improvements, fixed
assets, bricks and mortar, cities, industry, farms and such as that,
to claim land ownership. In my mind, galloping around twanging
arrows at buffalo does not constitute land ownership.


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