Re: META: Our open list

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Fri Sep 06 2002 - 14:23:42 MDT

Simon Smith wrote:

>I think most people come to the Extropians and other Transhumanist
>organizations because they believe in the rational application of technology
>to create a better future, or they realize that the future will be radically
>different and want to talk about this. It quickly becomes apparent, however,
>and you should point this out to your friend, that politics (albeit not only
>American, but that's okay because I'm Canadian) is extremely important.
Many would disagree with you, saying that politics as we know it will be
unrecognisable after the singularity. I don't yet know enough to make a
judgement myself.

> If
>governments ban cryonics (the way British Columbia has) or mind uploading,
>for example, discussing the technology of cryonics or mind uploading will
>become intellectual masturbation. For Transhumanism to make any *real*
>progress in the *real* world I think we have to address the political as
>well as the technological.
I had thought to approach this in the way we are doing already...if a
woman cannot get an abortion in a catholic country, she goes to another
coutry to get one. If Britain bans something I need, I'll go elsewhere
for it. It's the twenty-first century. We have jumbo jets and mobiles.
What do I care about traffic congestion on the motorway; I've got a
b****y see what I mean?
I mean no offence here, please know that. I just think we should be well
aware of exactly how much we _don't_ know.
All the best

PS Hey! You're Canadian...that means you _must_ know at least one of the
members of Rush...(as in, the rock band) : ) ...One of the best
things about Canada.

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