Re: STATE-OF-THE-WORLD: It makes you want to cry

Date: Sat Jun 29 2002 - 15:15:09 MDT

Samantha curiously stated:
<<We will see how ridiculous it is when average temperature jumps
20% or so. Of course by then it will be too late to do a lot
about it except hang on for dear life.>>

-Like you have never heard of carbon sequestration methods?
-I just purchased a Mother Jones magazine today (unread) on Windmill Tech and
how Bush "Doesn't Get it". Technology should be a NON-POLITICAL concern.
-The engineering either works to suit our needs or it doesn't.
-Coal tech will either work to suit our needs or it won't.
-Nuclear Fission will either suit our needs or it won't.
-This shouldn't be a leftist or rightist thing

<<They will not see this in the short term so you get nowhere
without government mandates to clean it up by X% by such and
such date. Sorry, but that is the way it is.

- samantha>>

The way it is, IS when enough of the public demand abundent clean energy for
a sustained amount of time, and it is technically feasible to produce this.
Not when you or myself whine about it in a email thread. Thats the way it is.
If its not technically feasible, tough tookie for the world. That is how the
world seems.

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