From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Sat Jun 22 2002 - 03:40:59 MDT
>Olga continues:
><<Art is a merely a
>technique - some people have more of a bent for it than others.
>Art is also a fun pastime - I likened it to play.>>
>Grrr! Okay – take a 5 year old who has major problems with focus &
>attention. All of a sudden, she discovers art & becomes literally obsessed
>– spending 4-6 hours a day drawing. Her schoolwork actually improves, she
>becomes more efficient (because getting all the work out of the way leaves
>more time to draw). This continues uninterrupted for 10 years, only the time
>devoted to art increases to 6-10 hours a day (later bedtime heehee)You can
>call it play, but I call it a freakin miracle. Besides, I don't know of many
>pastimes that pay as well.
Those who really 'play' for a living get the best wages on the
planet...musicians, actors, authors, movie directors...we can see what
society truly values when we look at, say, David Duchovney's salary
compared to , say, Sir John Sulston's. (sorry John, you did agree that
was true down the pub, remember?). Scientists and educators get naff all
compared with pop stars etc.
Now, what does this imply? Why is creativity so revered (not to mention
it's sex appeal; how come you don't get science groupies?)...Something
here is valued very highly. Whay do you suppose it is?
(bigger soapbox may be needed)
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