Re:GREED and FAIRNESS (was Bitter Pills)

From: Steve Thomas (
Date: Sat Jun 08 2002 - 06:09:19 MDT

There's another dimension to this situation which has not yet been adressed,
which is how the money happened to be there in the first place.

There are a few possibilities. Perhaps someone hid it in there with entirely
blameless motives, and forgot about it or died. However, most people dont
their cash in secret drawers, and most people who do, don't forget about it.

And even people who forget about it or die, have probably told someone else.

What this boils down to, is that there is a significant likelihood that
someone else knows that the money is there, and will come to try and claim
it. This can lead to problems if they are the sort of naughty person who
to take the law into their own hands when they believe that someone else is
in posession of their property. Anyone who's seen the film Shallow Grave
know what i'm talking about.

So whether returning the money is the right thing or not, it's probably the
safest option.


This message was posted by Steve Thomas to the Extropians 2002 board on ExI

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