Re: Bitter Pills

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 01:06:04 MDT

Need and deserve are most certainly not empty concepts. It is
great wisdom to understand what you really need for your
purposes rather than blindly accumulating more at the expense of
your own life and the life of others. What is "earning" about
if it is not also about "deserving"? At your or my present level
of wisdom, having the power to mold galaxies to our whim is a
bunch of hot air angst that we most certainly have not "earned",
certainly do not "need" and which would be an unmitigate
disaster if we possessed it not for the good of anyone or
anything including ourselves.

"Need" refers to what you really require to accomplish your true
purposes rather than simpler taking the easier way out of "More,
More, More" without taking the trouble to understand what you
really want and why and the most efficient way to get there that
allows ample room for others to acheive their own. There isn't
a lot of talk hereabouts about a useful concept called "enough".
  But until we understand what "enough" is for ourselves there
is no way we can ever, ever be satisfied, happy or at peace.
Entire galaxies will never leave us satisfied. And that, my
friend, is not a measure of the size of our dreams but a measure
of the tininess of our wisdom and understanding.

- samantha

Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

>>(Barbara Lamar <>):
>> Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
>>>I share you repugnance, but not because it's "greed"--that's a
>>>noble thing.
>> I'll avoid doing business with you, Mr. Crocker, if you believe that "an
>>excessive desire to acquire or possess, as wealth or power, beyond what one
>>needs or deserves" is a noble thing.
> I couldn't have said it better myself. What's evil is trying to
> acquire things through violent or fraudulent means. If one wants
> to acquire wealth and power by means of free exchange with other
> free individuals, the more the better--that's what makes the world
> a better place, and why we're all here. I want to live forever,
> have wealth beyond imagination, the power to mold galaxies to my
> whim--but I want to /earn/ it, not take it by force.
> "Need" and "deserve" are empty, meaningless concepts.

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