Re: extropians-digest V7 #150

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 14:42:35 MDT

Lee Corbin wrote:

> Samantha writes

> I agree. We should not overreact to a mindless invocation
> of morality by attempting to justify the unjustifiable.
> No *people* has a better or worse track record than
> anyone else, once you discount opportunity.

Invocation of morality is NOT mindless. Without morality or
ethics societies rapidly deteriorate. Of course "everyone does
it" is no justification and certainly none for continuing.

> The simple answer as to why the Europeans took over---as
> several have written better than I---is that they could.
> (Yes, it's also true in general that the more technologically
> advanced can more easily afford the luxuries of humanitarian
> treatment and fair play.)

Humanitarian treatment and fair play are not "luxuries". They
are necessities if the society/world is going to advance and
prosper in the well-being of its people. As we become more and
more powerful the necessity for these "luxuries" increases as
the destruction wrought by their lack becomes ever more deadly
to us all.
- samantha

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