Re: Longevity and Ayn Anti-Venom

From: Olga Bourlin (
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 23:08:52 MDT

From: "Max More" <>

> >No, Techno, this was a very, very bad point - and totally erroneous.

> Such a reaction assures me that I am sensible to disengage from this
> discussion with Olga.
> Yes, I'm totally, totally certain that Olga is utterly and completely
> forever and ever wrong wrong wrong!!!

If I'm so wrong wrong wrong, how about some proof proof proof:? (why, of
course, conveniently, you decided to "disengage" me, instead)

I suppose exaggerating and making fun of the way I chose to write expressing
my concern about being misrepresented beats dealing with the fact that you
jumped to an unfair conclusion. Dismiss me all as you want, but the fact
remains that you erroneously imputed "poverty" to be one of my concerns -
even though I never mentioned it. I know what I wrote, and I did not want
Techno to take your initial error and running off with it - thereby
compounding your mistake - at my expense.

My unpardonable crime, it seems, was that I chose to write in a
conversational tone rather than in dissertation mode - thereby unwittingly
heaping upon myself the horrible imbroglio of a "[sensible]" disengagement -
suitable punishment, I suppose, for one who had the audacity to use the word
... er ... "totally."

Granted, this email list isn't journalism - so we shouldn't expect standards
of conduct and accountability. But, because you recently wrote how
integrity was important to you, it may have crossed your mind that
that principle is also vital to many of us here. And if you are a person of
integrity - not just someone enamored with the concept of integrity - you
may understand my desire to set the record straight. I am a person of
integrity, too.


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