RE: Use of the Extropian Principles

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Fri May 24 2002 - 20:32:44 MDT

Harvey writes
> KPJ wrote
> > Lee wrote
> > |the extropian principles only *summarize* what some very clear thinking
> > |and articulate extropians have thought, and they are of course always
> > |subject to criticism or even outright denial. The Extropian principles
> > |should derive from the ideas and beliefs of people, not the other way
> > |around.
> >
> > You have summarized my point of view perfectly. Thank you.
> I don't know what Principles you guys are talking about. I keep trying
> to use the scientific method, the rules of logic, PCR and rational
> thought to evaluate new ideas for inconsistencies and internal flaws.
> You seem to reject these basic tools and call them politically correct
> dogma. What should we be using if not these tools? I keep getting a
> rejection of the Extropian Principles and related tools, but I am really
> fuzzy on what exactly you think should replace them.

We have to back off a little here because we aren't getting
through to each other. First, yes, we are talking about the
official Extropian Principles. When you write that we seem
to reject the basic tools of logic, PCR, and rational thought,
I'm no longer exactly sure how to respond. I would claim to
be just as logical, just as rational, and as devoted to
Pan-Critical Rationalism and rationality as you are. I am
annoyed at your ceaseless insinuations that other people are
less logical than you and exercise less rational thinking.

We are *not* calling those things politically correct dogma. I,
at least, was labeling *your* attempts to denounce this or denounce
that as PC. Again, I repeat, I don't have any problem with the
principles as written.

> - Which Extropian Principles are not useful as tools?

Sorry, but I just don't think of them as tools, any more than
I would think of the Declaration of Independence as a tool.
Only cults treat documents that way, e.g., Chairman Mao's
Little Red Book.

> - Which Extropian Principles merely enforce politically correct
> party-line dogma?

None do at all! Just the opposite! It's you who sounds as
though you'd like to instill politically correct dogma in people.

> - Which Extropian Principles should be rejected and not followed?

Ah, a good example of where the word *should* could lead to
something odious. I *approve* of people being strongly influenced
by principles such as are embodied in the Extropian Principles.

> - What new Principles would you propose that actually
> would be a useful tool? What new Principles would make
> better guidelines for the future?

Would say if I knew of any.


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