Re: preserve us from our friends

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 10:32:02 MDT

On Thursday, May 23, 2002, at 05:32 am, Charlie Stross wrote:

> Here's a fun thought; if I remember correctly, about 40-50% of
> fertilized
> blastocytes never make it through to term -- they fail to implant or
> they
> spontaneously abort at some point in the proceedings. Why don't the
> fundies
> yell their heads off over this entirely natural process, seeing as how
> it
> kills an order of magnitude more "potential humans" each year than
> medical
> abortion?

Because it is the "Will of God" and not caused by human intervention.
Do you really not understand the religious thought process, or are you
just pointing out how logical it is? If you really don't understand why
they don't complain about this, you will be unable to effectively
counter their debates. You must fully understand your opponent's
actions and see why they are logical to their belief system, or else you
really don't understand at all. It is not possible to win debates or
concoct counter strategies if you think your opponent is random.

Harvey Newstrom, CISSP <>
Principal Security Consultant <>

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