From: Dickey, Michael F (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 13:21:48 MDT
Phil Osborn:
>In my next posting, I hope to have the time to
>demonstrate how this leap into irrationality is itself
>a direct offshoot of the memetic heritage that
>continues to enslave so many women and reduce their
>value to themselves and to others in society.
I don't think that it's considerate of the list members to use the
extropians mailing list as an outlet for a steady stream of rants.
Well, if nobody did there wouldnt be much discussion going on here.
Everybody has opinions that get represented in ways that can be construed as
'rants' and probably the majority of the posts here could be considered as
such (depending on semantics, you could be considered as ranting about
extropian lists being used for ranting)
All of these discussions can be presented and discussed in a logical manner,
if you disagree with Phil, point out the fallacies in his logic or
invalidate his premises. I, for one, would be quite interested to hear it.
just my 2c
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