re: yptome cray- ceausescu- evrotripping- dfw

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 10:12:21 MDT

Andy Toth:
>Amara or <others>: what's it like going through southern germany via rail;
>is there more information contained in the vienna->frankfurti->dusseldorf
>route or the v-> [czech] -> d route? i am going to wind up in dusseldorf
>anyway and i'd like to get the best information (topogramaic, kultur).

Deutsche Bahn is one of the most expensive trains in Europe, I have no
idea why. They remade their web site too in the last month, now it is
much more difficult to get schedules compared to how it worked before.
It's a fast and easy train to use, almost always on time. I don't have
any complaints about it with the exception of the price. That route
should be beautiful, too.

Don't rule out International buses. Euroline isn't bad. I've taken it
several times to the Czech Republic (10 hours between Frankfurt and
Prague). I will be taking Euroline next month to Portugal because the
high speed international French trains won't accept my bicycle as
luggage and I don't trust most airlines to handle well my bike. (I'm a
bit persnickity when it comes to my bike.) The European international
bus lines, surprisingly take only about 30% longer than the trains, and
they are alot cheaper (200 euros round trip between Frankfurt and
Lisboa, for example). Italian trains are inexpensive too (compared to
Deutsche Bahn: slower and more crowded and sometimes not-on-time,
but hey, it's still a good value.)

Deutsche Bahn, and they have other international trains accessible
from their web site too:

Routes International, Public Transportation

Euroline, the German branch,

The main Euroline web site

Amara Graps, PhD          email:
Computational Physics     vita:
Multiplex Answers         URL:
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    -- Isaac Asimov

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