Re: Infanticide and Extropy

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 03:59:39 MDT

Dickey, Michael F wrote:

 The wage disparity issue is a myth invented by radical man hating
> feminists. The fact is that as women have become a majority in the

Wow! They obviously cannot begin to overshadow your myth-making
abilities! The wage disparity is a matter of fact, not myth.
Less so today but still not at full parity.

> workplace, they have consistently eschewed higher pay in exchange for
> more flexibility in hours and scheduling. This is primarily due to their
> choice to have children and be the primary care giver (if not the only
> caregiver) to their children. When this phenomenon is accounted for, one
> sees that in fact women make at least as much as men for similar or same
> positions.

Most modern women with a career may have one or two children
over their working life of 40 odd years. Most of these
professional take only 1-3 months off. Rightly or wrongly most
professional parent today resort to full or partial daycare
beyond that. At least one month with pay is no more than many
other medical events entail and is certainly no more time off
the job, averaged out than many others for other reasons. So
why the discrimination toward women and pregnancy?

I would agree that if it is over some fixed period of time then
the woman should go on long term disability (if there are
medical, including psychological <post-partum depression is no
joke> reasons) but otherwise should either return to work or if
she chooses differently (or the father does for that matter) not
expect to keep the job or to be paid from the former company
beyond that. I don't see how any less than that is reasonable.

> ---------------------
> In addition, the same flexibilities are often taken away from young single
> male professionals, who are often expected to put in long hours and
> overtime, a bias in this country against single professionals with no
> children, especially men. Re the wage gap "the predominance of men at the
> highest levels of business and government is due, not to "sexism," but to
> women's own desire to rear children, even at some cost to their careers.
> (See Women's Figures and the forthcoming book, The Feminist Dilemma, both by
> Furchtgott-Roth and Stolba.)" (1) Or, as Tina Fey put it on SNL this
> weekend, Feminism cant change biology (much to the chagrin of
> post-modernists and liberal pc propagandaists that gender is only a social
> construct and not an objective biological one)

What happens to males is irrelevant and in fact men are often
out on sick leave as much or more than women even with pregnancy
and childbirth thrown in.

- samantha

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