Re: Post Singularity Earth

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 12:30:19 MDT

On Thu, 16 May 2002, Wei Dai wrote:

> It can then safely kill the other one and take over its resources.
> The victim's berserker-bots won't know where to seek revenge.

The proper design is for berserker-bots to have berserker-seeds stored
in mass drivers with a launch on signal failure. After launch the
mass drivers shortly thereafter explode destroying any information
about where they were aimed. Berserker-seeds are in "silent-running"
(cold) mode until they are well beyond the detectability by anything
remaining in the system. They find a small piece of nearby matter and
begin stealthfully transforming it into berserker-bots of greater
intelligence. At the same time it monitors where the material of
its former SI state went. As it builds intelligence it develops
a strategy to recapture (or destroy) that material. Its rather
pointless to play "capture the material" when you realize you
will be dealing with very sophisticated fire ants for the next
trillion years.


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