Re: Chat

From: J.W. Harris (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 11:29:33 MDT

On Sun, 12 May 2002, outlawpoet - wrote:

> --- "J.W. Harris" <> wrote:
> >(Thanks Eliezer!)
> Indeed. Three cheers for organization. On a related note, we decided
> to defer setting the next date until the emaillist could confer. So,
> when should the next one be?

I wouldn't mind every Sunday at 19:00 EDT (-0400) time. That's right
after my usual Sunday social obligation.

> [me admitting I didn't know how to 'properly' log a chat]

> Well, vim would probably be fastest. Or you could email me, and I
> can send you a .txt file of the whole time I was there, which was
> seemingly most of it.

I was going to respond, but Ziana has now posted an URL. She seems to
have quit logging before we gave up for the night, but she covered the
important stuff.

On Tue, 14 May 2002, Ziana Astralos wrote:
> The log from the #extropy chat on Sun 12 May 2002 is available at

outlawpoet again:
> .... Great fun for all. More sentence fragments.

Yeah, fragments.

> Justin Corwin

Justin W. Harris

P.S.: It was slightly amusing how confused I was when Eliezer started
chatting at 'Justin', when (a) I doubted he had ever heard of me, (b)
I was using the nick 'JW_Harris', and (c) '/who *' revealed no other
Justin's. Took a few cycles to figure out Eli was typing to

Another email on the same subject:

> Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> > [ OK, this is sick. I'm not going to carry on this delusion any
> > further. Before I get committed into a mental hospital, I need to make
> > sure that I can make the next chat in real time! ]

It was hiralious Harvey. The sick part is that only multiple
distributed copies of records guard against someone doing this sort of
revision seriously.

On Wed, 15 May 2002, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:

> What times are good for you? Spontaneous Order having failed to
> materialize, it looks like I'm going to end up picking the times for
> Extropian chats as well. Does *anyone* have something to say about what
> times are good for them?

19:00 (-0400) EDT every Sunday is fine with me if no one comes up with

Every second + fourth Sunday; or every odd Sunday works if people think
weekly is too often.

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