Re: MED/BIO: Human Stem Cell Heart Therapy Trials Begin

From: ct (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 09:12:40 MDT

At 07:59 AM 5/8/2002 -0500, you wrote:

The procedures add to a small but growing body of research suggesting adult
stem cells have therapeutic promise previously thought to belong only to
embryonic stem cells, which are considered a controversial source because
of ethical concerns.
... "It might just be that adult stem cells are enough."
And perhaps you won't even need to resort to stem cells:

Nucleotech is a pioneer in the development of autologous cell-based
therapeutics, which are produced using Nucleotech's novel
transdifferentiation technology for reprogramming cell function.
Nucleotech's technology allows it to transform cells obtained from a
patient's healthy tissue into replacement cells for damaged tissue. An
example is replacing damaged insulin-secreting Beta cells in a type 1
(juvenile) diabetes patient. The advantage of Nucleotech's technology for
producing replacement tissue is that one simple and rapid technology can be
used to reprogram any kind of donor cell into any kind of replacement cell
and the donor cells would come from the patient, therefore, avoiding
problems with graft rejection.

(Robl is president of Nucleotech, he was formerly associated with Advanced
Cell Technology)

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