From: estropico (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 04:14:34 MDT
Hear, hear! I like the attitude! I've often thought that there is a "gap in
the market" for a similar group and I too have been disappointed by ProAct's
You can count me in (in principle only, of course... we'll need to get down
the nitty gritty before I "sign up"!)
We would need a YahooGroup, or a space on ExIBBS or whatever, where to
brainstorm on this. Much needs to be clarified, starting with what is,
exactly, the transhumanist agenda (ask two transhumanists and you'll get two
different answers!) and what the politics should be (I suspect there will be
problems in this area, though)
Give us more details of what you propose and let's take it from there.
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