Re: Chimp rights

From: spike66 (
Date: Sun Apr 28 2002 - 15:22:08 MDT

Hal Finney wrote:

>...The Chimpanzee Collaboratory, which promotes
>chimp (is that word now un-pc?) rights.
I believe the pc term is Simian-American.

>>Even in the case of chimps, since they cannot give
>>informed consent to medical experiments, it means that humans would have
>>to be used at an earlier stage, imposing costs on them because of less
>>thorough testing. Hal
I dont see how protecting chimps would cost more. It would far cost less.
Humans are the lowest cost lab test animals there are. They feed and
house themselves. Chimps are very poor test subjects for a lot of reasons.
Not only are they very expensive and hard to keep, there are so many
crazed activists who will cheerfully bomb or burn your research facility
in order to free the test subjects.

New medications should be tested by volunteer humans. If medications
are released on the unsuspecting public that cause hapless proles to
expire, that is the cost of our animal-rights society.


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