Re: HEALTH - acrylamide

From: Ken Huck (
Date: Wed Apr 24 2002 - 15:05:42 MDT

Michael Butler wrote.
>I dunno what to make of this. They seem to be saying that cooking things
>with carbs in it is bad. That doesn't leave much to eat, now does it?

>STOCKHOLM, Sweden (Reuters) - Basic foods eaten by millions around the world
>such as bread, biscuits, chips and French fries contain alarmingly high
>quantities of acrylamide, a substance believed to cause cancer, Swedish
>scientists said Wednesday.

More info on acrylamide.

Maybe fat as an indicator for colon cancer has been getting a bad rap.

I believe deep fat fryers and modern convection (high throughput
industrial cookie, biscuit and bread baking) ovens can deliver very high
temperatures when compared to say the temperature in a rice steamer/
cooker or a slow cooker/ crock pot or a solar hot box cooker for that matter.

If anyone gets information about the temperatures at which these
transformations occur please post.

>Liliane Abramsson-Zetterberg, a toxicologist at the Swedish food
>administration, said: "The cancer risk from acrylamide is much higher than
>(the levels) we accept for known carcinogens."

>But smoking, which is known to cause cancer, remained a bigger risk, she

It seems that we are being placated with a poor analogy here in that we
all need to eat carbs to survive while smoking is certainly not essential
to survival.

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