FUSION: Navy supports cold fusion...

From: Mike Lorrey (mlorrey@datamann.com)
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 15:49:47 MDT

I thought some here might find the new official report just out,
prepared by
the U.S. Navy, of interest. It is strongly supportive of cold fusion

You can read the two volume report on line at:

http://www.unusualresearch.com/ pick the link "Cold Fusion" in the menu.

TECHNICAL REPORT 1862, February 2002
Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System
(In two volumes)


? ? The work described in this report was performed for the Office of
Research through the collaboration of Space and Naval Warfare Systems
Center, San Diego (SSC San Diego); the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons
Division, China Lake; and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL).

These large original reports are available at:
Vol.I, 3.5 Meg ? ~121 pages

Vol. II, 178 pgs, 43 Meg (42,810KB)

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