Re: bumperstatements

From: Mark Walker (
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 07:06:05 MDT

The cynic (unembittered) Damien Broderick wrote:

> At 07:57 PM 4/17/02 -0400, Colin & Dan spun:
> >Death is a hereditary disease... Let's find a cure!
> It's amusing, but is it true? A broken leg isn't hereditary. UV damage to
> skin isn't, either (although a propensity to it might be).
> Life, on the other hand, clearly *isn't* a disease--only an embittered
> cynic could think that.
> Damien Broderick
> [an unembittered cynic]
Socrates (or perhaps Plato's "Socrates") said that life was a sickness. A


Dr. Mark Walker
Research Associate, Trinity College, University of Toronto
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Evolution and Technology,
Editor-in-Chief, Transhumanity, (
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