anti-Semitism or anti-Israel or both?

From: scerir (
Date: Sun Apr 14 2002 - 15:09:23 MDT
LONDON, England -- Thousands of people from across Britain
have gathered in central London to protest against Israeli
military action in the Middle East against the Palestinians.
Demonstrators poured into the capital's Trafalgar Square
on Saturday where they clambered on to Nelson's Column
chanting slogans before burning and tearing Israeli flags.
As the emblems burned, the crowd alternated chants of
"Down with Israel," "Down, down U.S.A." and "Jihad!" or holy war.
Protesters carried signs reading "Free Palestine --
Victory to the Intifada.",5987,3224--271202-,00.html
"Entre 10 et 12 actes antisémites par jour" :
c'est, selon France-Info, le recensement effectué
depuis le week-end de Pâques par les policiers des
renseignements généraux. Ces actes sont de nature très
diverses, allant du tag jusqu'à l'agression physique.
Pour sa part, le Mouvement contre le racisme et pour
l'amitié entre les peuples (MRAP) a exprimé vendredi
12 avril "sa consternation et son effroi devant la
profanation de tombes juives au cimetière du quartier
de Cronembourg à Strasbourg". Des inscriptions antisémites
avaient été découvertes le même jour sur une vingtaine de
tombes et sur un mur de ce cimetière. Des croix gammées
et des insultes telles que "NTM les juifs" ont été inscrites
sur les sépultures dans la journée de vendredi ou dans la nuit
de jeudi à vendredi. Le MRAP a annoncé qu'il allait saisir
le procureur et se constituer partie civile. Les services
de la police judiciaire ont été chargés de l'enquête.
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) -- A crowd of about 50 youths attacked
the central synagogue in Kiev, beating three people with stones,
hurling bottles and breaking windows, the rabbi said Sunday.
Kiev's chief rabbi, Moshe-Reuven Azman, said the mob marched
down the Ukrainian capital's main boulevard shouting
"Kill the Jews!" before attacking the synagogue shortly
after 9 p.m. Saturday.
The assailants knocked the rector of Kiev's yeshiva to the
ground and beat him with stones, Azman said. The rector,
Tsvi Kaplan, was hospitalized overnight and released Sunday.
Azman said his own 14-year-old son, Jorik, and a security
guard were also injured and that the attackers broke 20
windows in the synagogue.
"I call this act a pogrom," Azman said. "It's a miracle that
it was not worse."
The attack occurred after Saturday evening services,
and many worshippers had already left the building.

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