META: take off-topic discussions to Exi BBS

From: Jacques Du Pasquier (
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 16:55:28 MDT

Eugen Leitl wrote (12.4.2002/20:50) :
> Current politics should be by rights off-topic on extropians@, and
> be it merely because it tends to generate noise instead of signal.

Harvey Newstrom wrote (12.4.2002/15:38) :
> Politics and propaganda seem to have become the primary
> purpose for most participants.

I suggest that people willing to debate current politics at length
with fellow Extropians create forums on Exi BBS to that effect.

Exi BBS is at

You just need a standard compliant browser and off you go. As
everything new it requires getting used to it a little, but it's not

And from time to time someone could post a message on the main list
saying: we are talking about this, so do join if interested, and give
the discussion's URL. Thus, we could choose. It would also animate the
BBS, and encourage people to start threads about other lateral
subjects. And the list would keep some focus.


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