Re: POLITICS: Re: grim prospects

Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 12:14:38 MDT

Harvey Newstron opined:

<<Even in a war, there has to be a pretty clear and present danger before
the military is allowed to fire upon unarmed civilians. I really can't
believe I am the only one who believes this.>>

It is more likely that your contention that firing upon unarmed civilians is
being challenged. For example, in the early months of Arafat's war, he used
young boys for the camera action, (against tanks) and the world press
generally ignored these youngsters as deliberate distractions, in order to
provide cover for Arafat's snipers.

<<Not rubber bullets. Real bullets. I seem to be in a twilight zone
where everyone is hearing the news they want to hear. I am not
objecting to rubber bullets or dispersal. I am objecting to real
bullets being shot at unarmed civilians not involved in the conflict>>

Well, generally rubber bullets have been used to disperse rioters
(rubber-coated bullets) and assuredly that is something the PLO snipers never
bothered with. Secondly, while there was (I emphasize, was) a divergence of
public opinion in Israel regarding the Palestinians To their credit the vast
majority of Palestinians have been emphatic in their wish to eliminate
Israel. You can't fault them for inconsistancy, and dedication to their
cause. However, there has never been a Peace Now movement on the Islamic side
of the ledger, which might tell you something.

As far as the reporters go, Harvey, it was reported by Fox and MSNBC to have
been rubber bullets and stun grenades. During the riots at Over The Rhine
area in Cincinnati , Ohio, last summer, people were beaten by police for less
a violation then the reporters, committed (not to mention the cincy rioters).
I rejoice in any attacks on the press, which have been tenacious in being
assholes, and not using their asshole powers for the benefit of human kind
:-) Knock that bastards outta their freakin Birkenstocks is what I say, sez

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