Re: Church of Extropy April Fool's message

From: G.P. (
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 11:48:31 MST

Well, of course starting an organized religion is not very compatible with
the Extropian principles, but from a purely pragmatic point of view I think
it would be a VERY good idea for those who want to protect themselves
against the current legal system when it is not cryonics friendly. It is a
fact that refusing to comply with existing laws is more accepted when the
refusal is explicitely justified with a (real of fake) religious belief.
Example: the sect whose members refuse to give blood transfusions to their
children even when it appears as the only way to save a life.

> I was a bit disturbed by the number of people thinking this was a *good
> idea*! To those folks -- please read the Extropian Principles to see why
> extropian ideas are utterly unsuited to a religion.

Real name (backwards) oiluiG ocsirP

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