Re: software survival and progress (was Re: Sweeden & Germany to phase out nuclear power?)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Mar 31 2002 - 12:51:56 MST

Kai Becker wrote:

> Am Sonntag, 31. März 2002 09:12 schrieb Samantha Atkins:
>>What I am after is a revolution in software development.
> You surely know Fred Brooks "Mythical Man-Month". Do you still hope to find
> the silver bullet? I find his revised article, 20 years after the original
> paper convincing. For me, no software technology in the foreseeable future
> will be able to achieve a quantum-leap in software production, because the
> limitations for productivity in this field are closely related to the
> limitations of our brains to deal with complex, interdependend systems.

Yes and no. I don't believe we have finished building tools,
representations and digital assistants to extent the reach of
our poor brains in this area.

- samantha

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