Re: Solar Sails and spreading your DNA

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 12:00:41 MST

On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> I'd be more interested in it if the probe had an artificial womb and
> tool assembler technologies on board, so as not to depend on the good
> graces of some other race at the destination.

I was thinking of it more in terms of satisfying the reproductive
desire. I might not want to raise a child, but contributing my
genome to the organism base of some distant planet kind of appeals
to me.

> If you are uploaded, then your DNA is useless to someone wishing to do
> you harm. I would also posit that any civilization less advanced than a
> Matroishka Brain would be powerless to harm you.

We don't know if there may be "rapid evolution" planets out there.
Given enough DNA and/or cellular material as a starting base a
competing civilization might be able to evolve in a few hundred
million years. Given the singularity they could rapidly transition
to an MBrain level. If the "warrior" genes prevail they might
represent a threat to us at that time. Makes one wonder if
MBrain level civilizations have to do selective weeding of the
galactic garden.


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