Re: Self-termination and consequences for suspension, was Re: death and life...

From: Vanessa Novaeris (
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 16:22:06 MST

>From: Lee Daniel Crocker Reply-To: To:
> Subject: Re: Self-termination and consequences for
>suspension, was Re: death and life... Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:45:43 -0600
> Also, I should think the best way to go (both in terms of personal
>comfort, preservation success, and legal problems) would be to call Alcor,
>set up the video camera to record your final wishes and the act itself,
>slide into a bathtub full of ice water and shoot up a fatal dose of
>Morphine and Heparin. Wrist-slashing is so messy... Lee Daniel Crocker

Yeah but overdosing is so unreliable! ;P hahahah

Vanessa Novaeris
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