Re: SECURITY WARNING: love warning is a HOAX! Do not delete this file!

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 06:35:28 MST

RE: SECURITY WARNING: love warning is a HOAX! Do not delete this file!The inevitable sense of humor I'm afraid! Apologies if I offended you. The original article amused me, and I like to share my fun with people I consider as friends. I'd be interested to know why it upset you I missing something here?
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Arona Ndiaye
  Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:10
  Subject: Re: SECURITY WARNING: love warning is a HOAX! Do not delete this file!

  Why am I receiving this ? *pissed off*
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Alex Ramonsky
    Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:09 PM
    Subject: Re: SECURITY WARNING: love warning is a HOAX! Do not delete this file!

    I just got a rather interesting security warning from my fiancee, which I shall share with you here in case any of you have the same problem...
    Alex Ramonsky

    To: alex
    Subject: Security warning
      There is an old hoax that is making the rounds again. I have seen a dozen
      instances of this in the last 24 hours. It seems to happen round about
      February 14th every year.
      WARNING! The message about the human emotion "love" being a virus is
      a HOAX. The message tricks you into thinking that you have a virus and
      asks you to delete a part of your brain normally found in human operating

      If you have already deleted this file, you can get it back from your
      upload backup following the directions found here:

      Jill Ramonsky <>
      Principal Security Consultant, Entelechy Institute <>
      Board of Directors, Entelechy Institute <>
      Cofounder, Double Helix <>

      -----Original Message-----
> I had this in my brain!!!! You probably have it on yours!!!!!
> I have picked up a virus that is transmitted automatically via human
> interaction. Because I have interacted with you, it means that you're
> likely to have the virus.
> The virus is called "love". It is not detected by intelligence or common sense,
> and lies dormant undefinitely until it strikes, at which point it is capable of
> causing irrational behaviour, and ultimately of closing down your
> entire system. The attached letter is
> a simple yet effective method of finding and deleting the virus before it
> can do you any harm. Please act PROMPTLY!
> the directions for removing it are easy.
> 1. Go into biofeedback mode then find or search (depending on your computer)
> 2. Search for the amygdala.
> 3. In the "look in" make sure you are searching the area around the hypothalmus.
> 4. Hit "search" button (or find).
> 5. If this structure shows up (it's a small blobby thing that will have the
> name (amygdala) DO NOT USE IT!!!!!
> 6. Delete this brain structure
> 7. It will ask you if you want to send it to the recycle bin-say yes
> 8. Go to your frontal lobes and double click on the recycle bin.
> 9. Right click on emotion and delete again- empty the bin.
> If you find it send this information to everyone you come in contact with
> because that's the way it's transferred.
> Happy Valentine's Day

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