Re: Jaron Lanier Got Up My Shnoz on AI

From: John Clark (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 08:35:11 MST

Randall Randall <> Wrote:

>For some things, that's [creativity] a straightforward process,
>hence computer-generated music, etc.

Nothing could be easier than cranking out avantguard music or
poetry because those "arts" have no rules so it's impossible
to make a mistake.

>For some things, it may not be so easy.

Yes, show me a program that can crank out mainstream children's
stories or even pornography and I'll show you a sentient program.
I don't demand the stories be particularly good just that the author
is not suspected of being retarded of psychotic.

>How, exactly, did you learn that animals (which, except
>for some primates, can't let you know directly) are aware of themselves?

Nothing can let you know directly they are aware of themselves, so how
did I know they were conscious? I guessed, just as I guessed that you
are sentient and that I am not the only conscious being in the universe.

> Response is not self-awareness.

I strongly disagree.

             John K Clark

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