Re: AU REVOIR, Quitting the list for another spell

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 21:27:42 MST

Hi Michael,

Best to you during your sabbatical.

Like most watering holes, they are often more aptly tasted in person where
we can sip and smile and exchange in breezy styles or in quiet reflection.

Email lists are great exercise tools to communicate but sometimes not the
best way to quench a thirst -- or 300 - 400 subscriber's thirsts. This
list has certainly done what it can to accommodate all, and even gone
beyond the pall. So many people want to keep this pioneering and heady
list intact, rather than letting it run dry because of too much excess. It
seems it, the list, is being treated respectfully by variability. In order
to keep the list going for years to come, sometimes it's necessary to make
changes to help it grow in the directions we want. Adaptively and
flexibility are assets, especially when its for quality.

Thanks for your thoughts, and drink up.



At 12:29 AM 1/2/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Agreement with Kai is probably as good a note as any to end on.
>If we were in the middle of something, please forgive me. If I don't rise
>to any bait, it's because I've taken a vow of silence and practice in other
>areas of my life.
>I might post an occasional valuable article, but it appears that my accustomed
>breezy style doesn't suit the regulations, which I think were well-considered.
>I would point out, however, that I was going to make my posts more
>focused, and
>had begun to do so. I cornered, but my posting volume still hit the guardrail.
>In effect, I care too much about interplay to slow down to eight posts per
>diem without
>adult supervision. I bear no ill will to the supervisor, but I can use the
>spare cycles
>myself, come to think of it.
>I don't know how to turn this list from a watering hole to a tight focused
>in one gulp. Permit me to reiterate that I bear no ill will to anyone,
>least of
>all the person who advised me that I had exceeded eight posts in one day.
>I guess you-all will have to turn the list into a tight focused one while
>I watch
>from the sidelines. In effect, by so doing I will be helping that happen, too.
>Time for me to act more like Greg Burch and get a life.
>Good luck to the list supervisors with their heuristics.
>All best, always,
> MMB<==butler a t comp - lib . o r g Wm. Burroughs said it best: "After
> a shooting
> spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who
> didn't do it."
> I am not here to have an argument. I am here as part of a
> civilization... And you?

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