Alcor speaks...

From: John Grigg (
Date: Sat Jan 19 2002 - 22:03:28 MST

Good things are happening at Alcor. They have decided when and where the next big conference will be, and a cryonics "peace and cooperation conference among organizations" is in the offing.


Dr. Jerry Lemler, President, CEO wrote in the latest Alcor update:

    Planning and preparation for major conferences dominated the landscape
at Alcor this past week. As many of you know, Alcor benefactor and member,
Bill Faloon is forming a new cryotransport company in South Florida, and
has invited cryonicists of all stripes to an introductory meeting on
Saturday, February 16. Bill has also extended me an invitation to spend
the week leading up the the kickoff meeting with him and the principals of
this nascent operation, to provide logistical and tactical support on
matters of site and staff selection. So, I'll be in the sunshine state (a
great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to vote there) for the Cryofeast
sponsored by Rudi Hoffman on Sunday, February 10, and then drive down to
Ft. Lauderdale the following day. I'll be joined mid-week by Alcor
Treasurer and Board Member, Michael Riskin. I surely do appreciate
Michael's solid number crunching abilities, and his conviviality is a real
    Alcor's next major conference is taking shape. We'll be convening in
Newport Beach, California, on November 15-18, at the Newport Beach Marriott
Hotel and Tennis Club. Thanks go to Conference Committee Chairman Dr.
Ralph Merkle for landing such an outstanding venue. We're now in the
process of lining up presenters for this affair, and appropriate
announcements will be forthcoming shortly.
    Finally, following mutual complimentary Cryonet postings, Bob Ettinger
and I have opened a personal communications dialogue. We have been joined
by ACS President Edgar Swank, the end result of which has been an
acceptance of my call for a CryoSummit this summer in Michigan involving
all three (and possibly a fourth) of our organizations sending delegations
to convene in discussing a mutually prepared agenda, hopefully resulting in
the formation of alliances to strengthen our individual organizations as
well as the cryonics movement as a whole.

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