Politics, Immagration, Open Boarders

From: natashavita@earthlink.net
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 13:20:22 MST

From: Lee Daniel Crocker lee@piclab.com

Someone wrote:

>>Since the Extropian movement is heavily invested in libertarian

Faulty conjecture and bad memetic engineering. If some extropians are Libertarian and others Republicans, some Democrats, some are a-political, and still others non-party line thinkers, the above-statement is an untenable generalization.

The Extropian movement is heavily invested in improving the human condition.

>>Seems as if Extropians would wish to trample
>>the individual rights of most Americans by implementing open
>>borders--not to mention taking the food out of the mouths of working
>>class Americans by lowering wages with immigration...or perhaps a
>>weight reduction plan for the working classes is part of the Extropian
>>philosophy :-)

>The idea that advocating open
borders in some way infringes the rights of those who don't
believe in them gets it exactly backward: it is the act of
excluding people that is a violation of rights; if individual
Americans don't want to allow immigration /on their own land/,
a libertarian government would enforce their property rights.
If others wanted to allow unlimited immigration on /their/
land, a libertarian government would not interfere. In that
way, /everyone's/ rights are protected, even the isolationists.
If the isolationists don't want to allow immigration to /other
people's land/, then it is they who are overstepping their power
and imposing their will on others. It is not the business of
a libertarian government to support people who would violate
the rights of others to do what they want with their own land.<

Well put Lee. By the way, this viewpoint is shared by ideologies other than Libertarian.

What about the effect of open boarders on non-tangible spaces or environments that are not restricted to terra.


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