this quiz'll crottle your greeps(whatever that means!)

From: John Grigg (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 05:15:54 MST


Was this devilishly difficult test designed mainly by one person, or was it shaped over many years of various profs making it harder and harder??

I would think only a handful of the most widely read professors of history and literature would have ANY chance of passing this test if no prior preparation were allowed!!

As I gaped in horror at the test I thought of an article I read(In the Sunday Parade supplement) about a rather interesting man who had grown up on an out-of-the-way farm in Appalachia. Between his parents and the local library he read *several thousand(I think around seven thousand!)* of the greatest classics of world literature and history!!

This man had led a very quiet and secluded life until he was *discovered" in his mid-forties as a goldmine of fascinating insights. A local university now has taken him in. I wonder how he would do with this test! lol,11353,624601,00.html

best wishes,


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