epistemic direction manipulation // texas -- > Re: SCIENCE: When it fails...

From: Andy Toth (transfer_mechanism@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Dec 24 2001 - 15:45:27 MST

it's not a big deal. every hypothesis has a cohypothesis or subhypothesis
that lurks; there is always a non-scientific element that drives scientific
exploration (the human in control). we search for things in a specific
direction because we want that specific direction to have the most "reality"
as, we, another could have decided to go the other way. what makes us want
the information? is the desire only driven by "to make reality more real"
or to make "one aspect of yet-classified reality more real". its like there
are a finite amount of work-units. you can take 8 of them from glob D and
put them somewhere else to work for a while. glob D relapse. so what if he
put artifical-lynx-location hairs in the report to stop something political.
  i can totally envision the scientists in the office coming up with the
idea. the agency was never supposed to run that kind of testing anyway. it
kind of stops being "real science" when it involves zoning and govt
fund-allocation, doesn't it?

is anyone familiar with the non-gleamable-from-documentation culutral
information about dallas and/or san antonio, texas, united states? the
information that is obtainable only via social interaction, and overall
city-energy and new-object analysis. has anyone experienced it? using
plano, frito-lay factories, and seven-eleven as inverse controls.



----Original Message Follows----
From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <bradbury@aeiveos.com>
Reply-To: extropians@extropy.org
To: Extropy List <extropians@extropy.com>
Subject: SCIENCE: When it fails...
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 13:25:35 -0800 (PST)

Rare lynx hairs found in forests exposed as hoax
By Audrey Hudson

"Federal and state wildlife biologists planted false evidence of a rare
cat species in two national forests, officials told The Washington Times."


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