Re: after all that [DELETE] about ad hominems, here we go again? (was Re: some U.S. observations and notes)

From: Dossy (
Date: Mon Dec 24 2001 - 07:06:25 MST

On 2001.12.23, Natasha Vita-More <> wrote:
> At 08:54 PM 12/23/01 -0500, Dossy wrote:
> > Men
> >are busy 8+ hours of the day at work, or committing crime,
> >while the women are out driving around spending all that
> >damned money.
> Get your engine fixed at a 24 hr. tune-up and lube lab! You are running on
> 1/2 a cylinder and your values are shut.

My valves, too.

Perhaps some day when we're all part of one large collective
mind, people will be able to understand my sarcasm better.

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: 
Panoptic Computer Network             web: 
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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