Re: Local Groups Wanted!

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Fri Dec 21 2001 - 16:05:14 MST

Dossy wrote:

>Could we put an anonymous poll on the website where
>people could identify what state they reside in (and the states
>they would be willing to travel to) so we can get an idea of
>what the geographical distribution of extropians is?
>Then, advertise the poll in the next Exponent to try and get
>people to go and have themselves be counted ...

I just went into the member database and did a rough breakdown for
you. The following includes only people who have been ExI members within
the past two years:

32% California (both North and South included)

5.5% New York/New Jersey/Connecticut

7.7 % Texas

5.6% Washington/Oregon

3.6% Massachusetts

3.8% Georgia/Florida

5% Canada (East and West combined)

2.5% England

1.8% Germany

4.1% Greater D.C area (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware)

3.6% Other (World)

24.8% Other (USA)

That's about as clean a breakdown as I can give on short
notice. Basically, as you can tell from those figures, ExI members are
quite spread out! Still, there are a lot of non-members who are very much
extropian, and these figures don't reflect them. For example, I know for a
fact that there are a lot of extropians in both Sweden and Australia, and
more than the above figures indicate for Germany and Canada as well.

Once again, if you are interested in forming or joining a local group,
please let me know.

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
                  ~K i n e t i c i z e Y o u r P o t e n t i a l~

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