Re: NDEs (was observations)

From: Kai Becker (
Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 07:02:01 MST

Am Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2001 12:46 schrieb John Grigg:
> [...] I would hire a team of doctors willing to induce near-death
> experiences in various skeptical extropians. [...]
> And if after such an exploration all of you thought it merely a
> hallucination I would be impressed!!

IMO, this would only prove that the subject experience something. It would
be no evidence of an afterlife or god or anything outside our current
scientific knowledge.

Such an evidence would be for example if the subject could communicate with
each other or with other entities during the experience _and_ prove this
communication afterwards. They have to bring back something (knowledge?)
that they didn't have before and that can be shown to others.

Nice idea, btw. I think I would volunteer under certain circumstances.


== Kai M. Becker == == Bremen, Germany ==
"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"

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