Re: Sincere Questions on Identity

From: Smigrodzki, Rafal (SmigrodzkiR@MSX.UPMC.EDU)
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 14:02:35 MST

From: "Jacques Du Pasquier" <>

Smigrodzki, Rafal wrote (14.12.2001/16:33) :
> The second is distinction between distinct objects, possibly similar
> (and in fact possibly, at least in theory, identical), which is
> somewhere in the very basic layers of common sense --- and routinely
> used in science, too, of course.
> ### This distinction is irrelevant to our discussion - I do know that my
> copy is a distinct physical object, not identical to myself, but for the
> purposes of my survival this copy is as good (a subjective value
> as myself, just like a quarter is as good any other quarter for the
> of buying a can of Coke.

Suppose a scientist analyzes your body, and makes two identical
copies, Rafal #2 and Rafal #3, while you are re-named Rafal #1.
Suppose he is very evil (« science sans conscience », you know), has a
gun and tells you « I will now kill, either you Rafal #1, or the two
others #2 and #3 ; you choose. » What will you choose ?

The position you just stated seems to imply you must choose to be
killed ; while I rather think you will choose to survive and have the
two copies killed.

### Maybe you will find it hard to believe me, but I would prefer to be
killed rather than to have both of my copies killed - assuming that the
copies would be set free, they would have a better chance of avenging my
death (by working together) than me alone. Lee Corbin, who used to post
here, asked the list the same question (in a slightly different thought
experiment), and I was one of only 3 persons who gave this answer. And I
really gave some thought to trying to imagine my emotional state in the
situation you describe, always with the same results.


I think most people now would not think like that and would not try to
make numerous copies of themselves, in fact.

### We should give this as an open question to the list members.

Should we imagine that ? Should we keep the parallelism and imagine
mutations arising in the copies, so that the desire to be copied
becomes more and more natural, and people in the end become MAINLY
concerned with self-copy as we have long been with procreation ? How
do you see a future with this technology available ? (this is by the
way, not as an objection to your position of course)
### The basic feature which will shape the future will be the ability of
entities to survive under the prevalent circumstances - this is no different
from the way the world has been ever since its beginning. 
Unbridled growth is under some circumstances a good strategy - e.g bacteria
in a rich broth. In other circumstances it becomes self-destructive - koala
bears on some small islands off the coast of Australia multiply until they
devour all the eukalyptus trees and cause the death of all of them. In a
society there have to be very stringent limits on growth of its components,
and the more complex the society, the more stringent the control (the
highest level of control is needed in organisms like our bodies, or else
cancers develop).
Personally I would not see unlimited copying as an end in itself, instead it
is a means of prolonging survival. The number of copies should be large
enough to prevent all of them being killed in one accident but not too large
to strain the available resources or dangerously reduce mental diversity. 
Presumably, once copying becomes possible, the society will have to develop
ways of controlling it - otherwise one entity could spawn to displace all
other entities. Such an uncontrolled replicator would be dangerous to all
other entities and the society would need to destroy vis or render vis
incapable of copying verself. On the other hand, replicators with good
mechanisms for limiting growth might be very useful for the society as a
whole - e.g by providing standardized professional services without the need
for laborious learning and monitoring. 
This I find very weird indeed, Rafal.
The brain emerged and evolved to coordinate the body. For you to
identify now with your information processing ability seems
problematic to me, and I suspect you are victim of an illusion there :
you identify on a conceptual level to this, but this may be because
you neglect other aspects of yourself that you would quickly miss. (to
say the least)
### Our arms initially evolved to help our ancestors crawl out of the ocean.
Now they are used to transmit information about the mind's difficulties with
understanding itself, as in typing emails. Sometimes the tail starts wagging
the dog. It happens again and again that structures and processes are
diverted to different uses in the course of evolution. 
Once the apeman stopped knuckle-walking, it became possible to neglect this
use of the the forelegs and new uses could develop. I do think that I will
discard some parts of my mind which might no longer be useful to a copied or
disembodied sentience. Soon we will be able to switch off and modify parts
of our brains, see how the whole works in practice, and then revert to the
initial design (if we miss what we got rid of) or try new changes, 
How come does one get to the stage of an animal with a centralized
nervous system to help him to adapt to a stage where the animal IS the
centralized nervous system. 
### I guess you need to make the CVS portable - adaptable to functioning in
many bodies, perhaps wirelessly networked. This will be a whole new science
of "autopsychoengineering".
Does "centralized nervous system" even
mean anything outside of a body ?
### If you mean existence without a material substrate, then it doesn't (at
least I think so). If you mean existence without direct access to physical
manipulators, then yes - it means the ability to analyze and integrate
available information and produce more or less useful thoughts. Beautifully
explored by Greg Egan in "Diaspora".
 Is it any use at all ? 
### Use for whom? For the CNS itself - yes, as long as it wants to live. For
others - yes, as long as it produces useful thoughts.
What will you
DO ? 
### Learn. Learn how learn more. Recursively self-enhance. Hog as much
computational and physical resources as I can ethically gain access to.
Listen to music. Return to my body for a nostalgic natural experience
sometimes. The list is infinite.
Will you program into yourself goals not linked with your body ?
Based on what ?
### I don't know the details now but I would imagine that the quest for
knowledge, power, and beauty will play an important role.
You're not a "dualist", thinking that you really are a soul
trapped in a body ? « Soma sèma » [the body is a grave] ? Back to
Descartes, or in fact Plato ?
### God forbid, no! ;-/
I am moderately comfortable in my body as it is now but I do see its
limitations and I want to transcend them (that's why I am posting on a
Transhumanist list). I do not have a soul (at least I never talked to him
yet), I have only my thoughts and the I/O data from the environment.
The very phrase "an embodiement of me" that you use in your message
seems wrong to me, it is the kind of fallacy made by people believing
in reincarnation.
### It is a fallacy only if you believe in an immaterial entity hovering
above your brain and magically keeping it conscious. I believe that the
subjective experience of being conscious is a natural effect of certain
information processing tasks in my brain, and if the same tasks are
materially analyzed and implemented in another brain, the subjective effect
will be the same.
 You are a body (with information processing
abilities among others), not something embodied. You are given to
yourself, in introspection, as a mind. But that is not what you
actually are. This mind is just a useful illusion to help the body
take care of itself.
### Is your own conscious self an illusion?? This statement really baffles
me - I find it inconceivable that one could doubt one's own existence (if
the word illusion is used here in the usual meaning - something that is not
real, does not exist). The mind for me is the one thing that I cannot deny,
under any circumstances, while I could imagine my body as nothing more than
a few mathematical equations in a simulator.
 You cannot separate it from the body it is part
### Not yet.
> I still hope that if I use the mantra "personal value judgement", or "a
> matter of taste", I will be finally able to convince people not to try to
> force me to accept their "objective" ideas of what is me, R.M. Smigrodzki.
I definitely do not want to force you to accept anything. What I want
is to see if you keep believing what you say after you develop it
more; and to see if I keep believing what I believe in the same time.
### Thanks. I am sure that in the next 20 - 100 years both of us will have
many opportunities to put our beliefs to the test (if we live long enough).
Some more thoughts :
I don't believe in continuity of consciousness being a condition for
individual survival, because I don't believe in continuity of
consciousness at all. Wheter you have taken 250 micrograms of Propofol
per minute or not seems irrelevant to me. Continuity is a fable for
everyday people, too. At each moment we have the ability of recalling
who we are, and this is what produces this notion of continuity, but
it is an illusion. It is a bit the same illusion you have with the
visual field : you think you see much more than you actually do,
simply because when you want to check that you see something in your
peripheral visual field, then you look at it and you see it, and so
you never get conscious of any hole in the visual field (in the same
way as you are able to recall what's your name, where you live, what
you do for a living, etc.) You need an experimental setup to
indirectly realize that there really are holes in you visual field.
You can never SEE the holes. (an absence of perception doesn't produce
the perception of an absence)
### You actually touched on a very large and complex set of questions here.
Our subjective feeling of a unitary personality is dependent on a large
number of separate processes being coordinated. Signals propagate from
visual cortex to the amygdala to be analyzed for emotionally laden content
(as in the sight of a snake ready to bite), other signals go to parietal
cortex to build and update a system of spatial maps (body-centered,
eye-centered, observed-independent, and many others). 
These data can be used for various motor responses, sometimes initiated with
only parts of our mind fully updated - as in the startle response to the
snake. Other responses involve the frontal cortex - as in the inreased
apportionment of computational resources if a puzzle or an IQ test are
It's a marvel that under most circumstances we have the feeling of all our
reactions smoothly evolving in synchronization with others. This is not an
illusion - it is a real neural network gathering data from it's subnetworks.
Only the naive conceptualization of this reality as a "pinpoint",
indivisible entity, the Cartesian homunculus, is an illusion. Continuity of
personal experience does exist but it is not what the naive observer might
think. And I do agree with you that continuity is not the same as survival.
I don't have children, but I may have some. If the technology is
available, I may also make a few copies of myself to make sure that
the Jacques-adventure goes on, and that the destruction of one of us
doesn't prevent it to go on. So in this I think I understand your
desire and actually share it (though maybe not to the point of wanting
to make thousands of copies of myself, with many of them working in
the same company, with or without Lee Daniel Crocker as a colleague :-)).
### Looks like we are not so far from each other after all. Good.
But I still think you are saying more than you can afford to believe
by giving the same value to yourself and your copies.
### Let's wait until each of us has a few copies - 10 minds will find the
answer easier than the two of us.

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