Re: Investing in renewable energy

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Mon Dec 17 2001 - 09:49:29 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:
> You left out geothermal Mike...
> I recently became re-interested in this when I was reading
> something about a new geothermal technique and the people behind it
> commented that the U.S. is the potential Saudi Arabia of Geothermal
> power.
> I remember reading awhile back that Chicago sits on a potential
> geothermal hotspot.
> Look out Enron. ( I know, little late...)

Yes, geothermal is a very good energy source, though such installations
always seem to attrack the doom and gloom NIMBY types who fear you are
going to accidentally birth a volcano in their backyard, or that any
steam released is going to adversely affect the environment...
rationality never seems to prevail with these people, but I must say
that it seems that rival energy utilities are generally the culprits
that fund the fearmongers.

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