Investing in renewable energy (was RE: photochemical advance)

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 17:06:06 MST

I'd been wondering about the possibilities of investing in renewable energy
sources now, too. Not doubting Mike, but I'd welcome more opinions on this

Is it the right time to invest in renewable energy? Which type?

Note that you can probably assume that readers of this list have some
interest in renewable energy from a social and/or technological viewpoint.
Can we please ignore the feel-good factor, and just talk $?


> On a different note, right now is the best time in 40 years
> to invest in
> renewable energy generation. Since renewables are so capital intensive
> in up front costs (while operating costs are negligible), the cost of
> renewables generation is highly affected by interest rates. With
> interest rates at an all time low, it is a great time to
> invest in such
> technology: OTEC, solar, wind, hydropower, wave energy, etc

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